Trusted Village

Raising a Child with Autism is Hard

We help by providing you knowledge, community, and connection.

At Trusted Village we help families navigate the complexities of autism. From treatments to applying for services, get the support you need. Ask questions and find answers in our community of parents on similar journeys. Plus, join group sessions to build deeper connections with people who understand what you are going through.

We Help Make Raising A Child with ASD Easier

Knowledge is power

Navigating the complexities of insurance, disability, IEP's, etc is overwhelming. Learn from people that have done it before.

Support network of parents who understand

Tap into the experiences of many other parents going through similar in a safe, trusted environment.

Moderated groups to navigate issues that come up

One of the few places you can feel comfortable talking about issues you are facing that others without a child with ASD might not understand.

This community has been a lifesaver. Getting support with how to apply for Medi-cal was great, but connecting with other families on a deeper level and sharing what we are all going through has been what has helped our family the most.


Trusted Village

About Us

Trusted Village's mission is to help families with children with Autism. We started Trusted Village because our son has ASD. After exploring what has worked for us, we noticed the knowledge, community, and connection has helped us the most. So we wanted to provide that to others.

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